Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Talpiot Tomb

In order to comply with Dr. Ben Witherington's wishes I have revamped this blog to reflect the needed information to justify his time in the form of a response. So I once again pose my initial question, "Of course the general public may not be aware of what may be an old argument among scholars. However, what I don't understand is the frantic tantrum being thrown by the academy over this issue. Professionalism and basic manners? No one is attacking anyone's faith. I simply don't 'get' why everyone is so up in arms. Can you give me an insight into this mindset Dr. Witherington?"

Since my original posting of that question I think it is safe to say that many academics have taken their reactions to a level that could be clearly labeled unprofessional.

My puzzlement is not the behavior itself but why THIS issue, what is it about the Talpiot Tomb?


hope said...

Just like you to make me think! So I'm off to do my homework. Although I did discover a link at Discovery devoted to just this discussion.

Keep up the good work...I look forward to more of this!

Bonnie said...

Oh, I must forward this link to Keith! He will love this page and this topic.